Articles Of Confederation Vs Constitution

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The Newly formed government set out to make itself different from the British rulers. They wanted to form a representative government. One where the power rested with the people through the elected representatives.
The Declaration of Independence, drafted by Thomas Jefferson, set out to detail the individual’s liberties and the government’s’ duty to protect those liberties. The declaration of independence once and for all dissolved the colonial allegiance to Great Britain. (Evans & Michaud, 2015)
The Articles of Confederation specified that the United States would become a republic form of government. The Articles were required to be unanimously consented by the states in order to be ratified.
One of the major flaws of the Articles of Confederation was the omission of a chief executive. The founders having been under Great Britain’s rule, feared that an executive would turn out to be like the monarchial power of Great Britain. The colonists soon realized that without a chief executive, the country would be vulnerable during times of crisis. This absence left the new country without any clear guidance. …show more content…

Some of the major differences between the Articles of Confederations and the Constitution were:
1. A congress divided into The House of Representatives and the