Confederation Vs Constitution

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The American nation today is known for the free rights and power it equally gives citizens, the capability it gives the government. It wasn’t always like that though. Under the Articles Of Confederation many rights were not granted, and many powers were limited to the government. Writing the Constitution helped to establish our country, and was very necessary in the steps to forming a successful nation. When the national government was first established it had little to no control over economic problems they were facing. In the chart, Articles Of Confederation v. The constitution it states, “Congress could not levy taxes.” (Littel 1) This shows that the weakness of the government lead to a decrease in economical power, wealth and ability to pay debt. When the Constitution was established it allowed the government to force citizens to pay taxes, and help rid the nation of debt. …show more content…

The government didn’t want to create a tyranny, so they thought giving the country their own amount of power would help. Instead people broke laws left and right, and when someone went to court for a crime, each system was different. Meaning that each state had it’s own approach, so you could be charged as guilty in one state, and innocent in the next. This is shown in the drawing Rough Sailing Ahead by McDougal Littel. It depicts waves such as “No national court system,” and “No power to create taxes,” as one of the problems faced under the Articles. After the Constitution, people were charged more equally because of the Executive