Confederation Vs Constitution Dbq Essay

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After series of taxation without representation placed upon the American colonies by the Great Britain, the colonies finally declared independence in 1776. To become a stabilized country, the colonies established the Article of Confederation the following year. Americans were upset that under the Article of Confederation their voice was not being heard in the government and their businesses were failing economically. As a result, Daniel Shays led four thousand rebels against the government because of the economic and civil rights injustices. Then the Founding Fathers gathered at the Philadelphia in 1787 to modify the Article of Confederation. Instead of modifying the Article of Confederation, the founding fathers created the Constitution. …show more content…

Under the Article of Confederation each state were able to obtain their own legislation that address to their states citizen’s rights. Contrast to the Constitution, it does not address individual’s rights. Instead, it mainly list legislative powers. The Federalist believed that under these restriction in the Constitution over the government was sufficient enough to protect individual’s rights. Therefore, the anti-federalist proposed the Bill of Rights to be added along with the Constitution. The Anti-federalist felt secure with the Bill of Rights in the Constitution because it protects citizens liberty and freedom. In the end, the founding fathers gathered and agreed to add the Bill of Rights when ratifying the Constitution. Furthermore, Anti-federalists were mainly farmers and they feared that under the Constitution economic policies their business will be endanger. The Constitution was based on Federalist ideas of a strong central government with Hamilton’s economic plan of a national bank and high tariffs.. However, anti-federalist’s leaders, Jefferson and Madison, believed that Hamilton’s economic plan will benefits the affluents. As a result, the anti-federalist disapprove the constitution since it damages their agriculture’s