Artifact Description: Graffiti Painting

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Artifact Description: Graffiti Painting—Use tools from a paint program to modify an image; create a fictional story with the image as the central character.

What you learned: The first thing I learned from this project is that I did not have any type of painting software on my computer. Through google, I was able to find a free basic paint software for the Apple computer called Paintbrush. Since this was a new application for me, I learned how to use the different features of the software. There was also a learning process in downloading the assigned image from Canvas, in which I was to work with, and copying it into my paint software. Ultimately, I opened the image in the Preview application, that is standard software on the Apple computers; doubled the size of the image; then, cropped the head only from the rest of the image. After that, it was fairly simple to open up Paintbrush and insert the image directly from the clipboard. Exploring the painting tools was my next lesson, although some were the same as a drawing program, the new tools included: paintbrush, paint bucket, spray can, and eye dropper. Paintbrush is fairly basic, however, I enjoyed learning to use the eye drop tool to create custom colors. By selecting the eye dropper from the color pallet, one can hover the eye dropper over a particular image (in my case I was trying to match skin color), to get a customized match of color.

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