Artificial Flowers Play Analysis

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Play Review #1 - Play in Los Angeles Area
Saturday night, around 8:30pm on March 11, the play i decided to attend for review, was none other than a production of Zombie Joe’s Underground Theatre Group titled “Artificial Flowers”; located down Lankershim Blvd in North Hollywood, California. Produced by Zombie Joe himself, in collaboration with playwright & director Emily Charouhas, alongside co-director and technical general manager, Brandon Slezak. Additionally, honorable mentions go to the special production’s advisor Denise Devin, as well as “The Players” of the show, Jason Britt as Phelix, and Emily Charouhas again, as Maeve. Artificial Flowers to my discretion, symbolizes the theme of Self Love. To clarify, the characters in the play clearly display interest within each other, yet fail to establish anything concrete, as to how would they grow together as a couple, in spite of differences regarding their past. Consequently, haunted by the backgrounds which effectively shaped their being, attempts for finding salvation in one another, end in ruin, as time and time again, they are unable to release the shackles that bind them. This …show more content…

There were times however in which i saw actor Jason Britt as Phelix, stutter and pause, or perhaps even forgot his line, which i found somewhat amusing. Although i 'm unsure if that moment of disorientation was part of the actual script, all in all, his acting of what was meant to portray a drunk addict, met my expectations for the most part. Actor Emily Charouhas’ depiction of Maeve, contrastingly was the one in which i found to be the most entertaining between the two. From the beginning gestures of a normal woman to the erratic movements of an enraged individual, actor Emily Charouhas as Maeve presented her character’s personality quite well in