Asbestos Synthesis Lab Report

262 Words2 Pages
2.4 Total Suspended Solids
Reagents: Gooch Crucible (G3), Filteration Flank, Rotary Vacuum Pump, Asbestos Powder.
 Prepare gooch crucible with G3 sintered disc by forming a layer of asbestos on it.
For this, prepare asbestos solution by dissolving asbestos powder in distilled – water and mixing it thoroughly and then allowing asbestos to settle down Then take the supernatant and pour into gooch crucible and apply vacuum on the other side through filtration flask, a layer of asbestos will be formed on the sintered disc. Dry the gooch crucible in an oven at 105 °C and then cool it in a desiccator and weigh it (W1).
 Fit this gooch crucible on a filtration flask and connect filtration flask to vacuum pump. Take 25 ml sample and diluted

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