Ashes By Susan Beth Pfeffer Analysis

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Almost everyone, if not everyone, has been in a sticky situation like Ashleigh’s in nearing the end of “Ashes,” by Susan Beth Pfeffer. Ashleigh’s parents got divorced, when she was still young, because her dad is a very childish man. Her dad owes two hundred dollars, because he lost a bet to some people. Ashleigh’s father and mother used to live together, and the father knows about a teapot that hold a couple hundred dollars at Ashleigh’s mom’s apartment. Ashleigh will take the money from the teapot and give it to her dad, because she doesn’t want to let him down, her father makes her feels sorry for him, and her father makes promises to her.
In this story, Ashleigh makes a point to make her father cheerful and proud. Throughout the