Ashoka Dbq Essay

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Ashoka Maurya, commonly known as Ashoka and Ashoka The Great was an Indian emperor of the Mauryan Dynasty who ruled over most of the Indian subcontinent from 268 to 232 BCE. In about 260 BCE, Ashoka waged a bitterly destructive war against the state of Kalinga, although he was triumphant in the battle, the victory cost the lives of 200,000 people. (Document A) Soon after, he realized his mistakes and strived to spread pacifism and friendship throughout India. So the question is, what is Ashoka? A ruthless conqueror or an enlightened ruler?

After the severe war against the Kalingans, Ashoka realized that he was he misguided and performed a spiritual transformation. He had became a Buddhist. As a Buddhist emperor, Ashoka believed that

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