Asian-American Labeling Theory

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All across the different race and ethnicities, people affected by the master-narrative are looked down upon because of who they are. Given that, this master-narrative has implemented in our minds what being an American means and who is accepted as American. We are able to gain understanding of what it is like to become a citizen through the Asian-American and LGBTQ experiences. I believe that the labeling theory is the best sociological theory to represent Asian-Americans and the LGBTQ journey to America. Labeling theory indicates stereotypes, often negative ones, toward a person or a group people. Asian-Americans for example, are labeled “aliens” and could not receive citizenship. On the other hand, the LGBTQ community has labels in a different …show more content…

People associated with this group are labeled based on how they identify themselves either lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning, intersex, or asexual. To emphasize these labels, lesbians are women who have sexual/affectional attraction to same gender, gay is a person with sexual/affectional attraction to the same gender, bisexual is a person with sexual/affectional attraction to the same or other gender, trans is a more inclusive term for non-conforming and non-binary gender, questioning is the process of exploring one’s gender identity, gender expression, or sexuality; intersex is the desire of someone with primary/secondary sex characteristics that are not distinctly male or female, and lastly asexual is not feeling or desiring sexual orientation. Although there are not a lot of historical background on this community, it has become problematic in several places. For example, the LGBTQ community has created 3rd spaces where it became a commonplace for those who are gay to be themselves. 3rd spaces include public spaces, bath houses, parks, libraries, bars, restaurants, and etc. These places turned into meeting spots to do things that are not accepted by society. According to PBS Stonewall Uprising, gay people could not show public affection, instead it was allowed in the commonplaces. This did not last very long as the police raided the bars and started beating gay people for what? For dancing? Gloria Anzaldua, who is a Chicana, Tejana, working-class, dyke feminist poet and writer theorist says that we need to concentrate not so much on victimhood, but on how to liberate ourselves. Having labels of sexual orientation and gender identity has affected the LGBTQ’s identity due to all the negative acts brought forth towards them. They are not able to freely express who they are because