Effects Of The Stonewall Rebellion

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Final Submission: Changes to LGBTQIA Equality The Stonewall Rebellion was a significant event that took place in New York in 1969. This event was the catalyst that ignited the fight for LGBTQIA equality in the United States. LGBTQIA individuals had grown weary of their sexual orientation being used as an excuse for discrimination, arrests, and degradation. The aftermath of The Kennedy assassination, the Vietnam War, as well as other issues that the US was dealing with at the time, gave the LGBTQIA community a platform to demand change and scream "No More." The LGBTQIA community is now fighting for its rights, just as women, minorities, and others did before. Throughout history, homosexuality has been stigmatized as a criminal, sinful, and …show more content…

The inn was one of the few places where the LGBTQIA community could freely go for a drink and to dance. Police raided the bar on the night of June 27, 1969, seizing alcohol, and detaining patrons who could not produce proper identification. The individuals that were at the Stonewall Inn the night of the rebellion had entirely enough of being treated unfairly and retaliated. People and police barricaded themselves inside the Stonewall Inn. Individuals outside the bar were watching the events unfold and wanted to assist those inside. People outside the inn fought back, throwing items through windows, and resisting arrest (Poehlmann, 2017). People were detained because of the disturbances at the Stonewall Inn for a variety of reasons. “Outhistory.org” requested the police records from that evening, based on the New York Freedom of Information Law (Katz, Stonewall Riot Police Reports, 2019). David Van Ronk was arrested for "assaulting an officer with an unknown object" (Katz, Stonewall Riot Police Reports, 2019). Raymond Castro, Marilyn Fowler, and Vincent DePaul were also accused of shoving and kicking an officer (Katz, Stonewall Riot Police Reports, 2019). An innocent bystander even complained that her car was stomped on during the disturbance, causing damage to the roof, hood, and rear engine cover (Katz, Stonewall Riot Police Reports, 2019). Multiple police officers sustained injuries during this