Assassination Corruption Quotes

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#1: The first quote is this "In the 1860s, the teenage John Vowell joined up Ethan proslavery guerrilla warrior William Clarke Quantrill, who has been called 'the most hated man in the civil war' which is saying something. On August 21, 1863, Quantrill led his gang, including my great gramps, into Lawrence, Kansas, reportedly ordering them to 'kill every male and burn every house.' By the end of the day, at least 182 men and boys were dead" (Vowell 63). I thought that this quote was interesting because I'd never heard of Quantrill, which is strange because this says that he was referred to one of the most hated men in civil war history. I also found this quotes interesting because it said on August 21st he ordered his people to kill men in …show more content…

The theme of power is displayed multiple times throughout the book. The whole purpose of the book was to talk about the assassins and the assassination of the presidents. The main reason why the assasins kill the presidents is for power. “I am only slightly astonished by the egotism of the assasins, the inflated self-esteem it requires to kill a president, that I am astonished by the men who run for president. These are people who have the gall to believe they can fix us-us and our deficit, our fossil fuels, our racism, poverty, our potholes and public schools. The egomania required to be a president or a presidential assaying are like Las Vegas and Salt Lake City that way. Even though one city is all about sin and the other is all about salvation, they are identical, one dimensional company towns built up out of the desert by the sheer will of true believers. The assassins and the presidents invite the same basic question: just who do you think you are?”(Vowell 7). This quote is basically stating that to be both a president or an assassin you must be egotistic. You have to think that you are better than everyone and that you know what's right for everyone. You have to believe you deserve the power and control over everyone. It's all about power, they all want power and they all want control because they think the deserve it. The assassins kill to get power and to take in away from the presidents who worked to earn power. “It is the story of this self-made man’s collision course of two of the most self-serving, self-centered self-absorbed egomaniacs of the late nineteenth century- Garfield’s nemesis, Senator Roscoe Conkling, and the assassin, Charles Guiteau. The Garfield assassination is an opera of arrogance, a spectacle of greed, a galling, appalling epic of egomania dramatizing the lust for pure power, shameless and raw” (Vowell 125). This quote talked about President Garfield’s assassin Charles