Assemblywoman Cheryl Brown: Case Study

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Action Plan # 1 Assemblywoman Cheryl Brown Through group discussion it was decided that the first course of action would be to show support to Assemblywoman Cheryl Brown. The group deliberated that the strategy needed to support Assemblywoman Brown was to design a letter of support directed at her efforts. This letter was considered beneficial as it would promote Assembly Bill 1584 with the goal to show Assemblywoman Brown that this group is in favor of reinstating the cost-of-living adjustment and increasing the monthly payments that recipients of the Social Security Income and State Supplementary Program currently receive. Since consensus was reached, a letter was drafted for Assemblywoman Brown. The letter includes reasons and facts on why this group supports Assembly Bill 1584. The letter informs Assemblywoman Brown …show more content…

The group felt it was necessary to attempt to persuade the committee in order to have the bill taken out of the Suspense File. It was discussed and decided to draft a letter to persuade the decision-makers of Assembly Bill 1584. There are six Assembly Members who are part of the Assembly Appropriations Committee that will participate in the decision on whether to pass this bill or not. These members include Susan Bonilla, Tony Thurmond, Mark Stone, Brian Malenchein, Patty Lopez, and Ian Calderon. A letter was drafted for the Assembly Appropriations Committee Members. It was decided that the letter would be addressed to Assemblywoman Bonilla and that the additional members would receive a copy of said letter. After all necessary corrections were made to the letter, the final draft was approved by all members of the group. On May 14, 2016, six identical letters were mailed and emailed to each of the Assembly Appropriations Committee Members, who were previously