Assess The Impact Of Globalization On Australia Security

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Globalization, whether measured as the increased exposure of domestic markets to the international economy or more broadly construed as the fast pace integration of national societies into a densely connected political, technological and social community, is widely seen as a relatively new phenomenon that offers risks as well as opportunities. Security in a globalized society in more ensured than ever before. For the Oceania Region of Australia consisting of Australia and New Zealand, globalization has reshaped the identity from a deep rooted past to a fluid, transparent society. Specifically, Australia has greatly relied upon the security that comes from being an active member in a global society. Globalization most influences security …show more content…

Currently Australia must export supplies to other countries so that it can make money to pay for the imports coming into the country. As the Dr Gupta said, Australia must exports minerals and agricultural products so they can import televisions, clothing, and cars. This comes at a cost though since the total amount of exports is solely reliable on how competitive their prices are worldwide. Thus if salaries and wages are too high and businesses are inefficient, then the cost to produce items are also higher resulting in Australia being less competitive in the global marketplace. The effect on security for Australia is they must be very selective on which county they contest in both the region and the global market. A failure to guarantee Australia’s competiveness in the global economy over a stretch of time would most likely end in more unemployment, business failures, loss of employment, and a dwindling economy resulting in the common lifestyle actually going backwards. With the globalization of the banking systems throughout the world, the security threat within the region is minimal. A system of this kind relies on countries all over the world and their success and failure is felt globally. If there is an economic downturn, somewhere the individual country may suffer but since it is linked together, it can recover quicker because of its global banking partners. The security issue is if there is a …show more content…

Globalization for Australia is now the speed of change, the direction in which it is going, and the pressure on Australia to modify their economy and their population to receive these movements. Australia needs these people flowing into their country to expand their workforce. However, the security risk is now with the flow of people and the melting pot of different cultures, people struggle to identify with the nationalism of traditional Australian people. In Australia, cultural diversity, different cultures living together in one place, is the new norm. As people migrate to Australia, they also bring their own ideas and beliefs. The mixed origins of contemporary Australian culture suggest that dynamic of overseas cultural influence cannot be explained purely in terms of cultural imperialism, with larger, more established powers prevailing over their younger, apparently more impressionable counterpart. Additionally, the introduction of modern media on a global scale directly influences the culture of Australia. People can now view news live from any part of the globe and are better informed than ever before. With these advancements comes the security risk of external influence on impressionable people that may cause damage to the cultural norms of Australia. Since there are little to no ways to screen for these influences, this issue continues to grow not only in Australia, but also across the