Assignment 1: Chicago Public Transportation

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Urban Transport Planning
Assignment 1 – Travis Bixley
Student Number: 1346128
Chicago’s Public Transportation 1. Introduction
Chicago has one of the oldest and most expansive transportation systems in America. Chicago has three transportation agencies that provide services to over a million rides to passengers every weekday to a city of roughly 2.7 million people. Chicago’s public transport system involves three type of railway - subway, elevated trains, and ground train. They also have buses, water taxies, taxies and a shared bike network.
As the city moves forward with development of the GO TO 2040 plan, the city predicts 2.8 million new residents and 1.8 million new jobs are projected to be added to the region by 2040. This shows a need for new transport services, all while still having to maintain its current infrastructure which is already sits at over a billion dollars per year.
2. History
Chicago is America’s third largest city. In the early 1830’s, Chicago has a population of 4,000 people. However, by 1900 there was about 90,000 people based in the city of Chicago. The reason for the large growth in population was due to the accessibility for people to enter and exit the city of Chicago and the regions around the Great Lake.
Since the 1850’s the city is …show more content…

This is done by shifting single occupancy vehicles off the road. Like most major cities congestion is also a problem in Chicago. Chicago has been recorded as the third worst for people delays and second worst for travel time in the United States. Public transportation does not have to carry large number of passengers to reduce congestion, as small as a five percent reduction in single vehicle volume will increase travel speed around 30 kilometres per hour. Attracting new users and providing new and improved public transport is the only way to reduce congestion as it moves people out of cars and improves

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