Programming Assignment 1: Identifying System Actors And Goals

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Programming Assignment Week 3 a. Identify System Actors and Goals 1. Home Owner: The home owner is an initiating actor whose goal is to light the outside area of the garage as well as open the garage door. 2. Motion Detector: The motion detector is a supporting actor whose goal is to send a signal to the external light bulb once it sense movement. 3. External Light Bulb: The external light bulb is a supporting actor whose goal is to light up once it receives a signal from the motion detector. 4. Motor for Moving Garage Door: The motor is a supporting actor whose goal is to move the garage door once it receives a signal from the manual opener switch or the remote control ratio transmitter or receiver, or to stop and reverse door movement if …show more content…

Manual Opener Button Switch: The manual opener button switch is a supporting actor whose goal is to send a signal to the motor to open or close the door after receiving a signal from the home owner. b. Derive Use Cases Relevant to System Objective and Write Brief Description 1. UC-1 (Open Door): Open the garage door 2. UC-2 (Close Door): Close the garage door 3. UC-3 (Turn on Light): Turn on the outside light Actor Actor’s Goal Use Case Name Home Owner Turn on the light bulb by setting of motion detector in detection area. Turn on Light (UC-3) Home Owner Use the manual switch to open the garage door. Open Garage Door (UC-1) Home Owner Use the manual switch to close the garage door. Close Garage Door (UC-2) Home Owner Use the remote control to open or close the garage door. UC-1, UC-2 Motion Detector Sense movement in detection area and send a signal to the light bulb. UC-3 External Light Bulb Receive signal from motion detector and turn on. UC-3 Motor for Moving Garage Door Open or close garage door depending on the signal it receives and from what device. UC-1, UC-2 “Electric Eye” Sensor Stop garage door from closing and opens the door if it senses an object in the way. UC-1, UC-2 Remote Control Radio Transmitter Send signal to receiver to open garage door if closed, and close garage door if open. UC-1, …show more content…

UC-1, UC-2 Manual Opener Button Switch Open garage door if closed, and close garage door if open. UC-1, UC-2 c. Draw Use Case Diagram for the System d. Fully Dressed Description of Remote-Controlled Garage Door Opening Use Case Use Case UC-1: Open Garage Door Related Requirements: Requirement to open door when remote is pressed Initiating Actor: Home owner Actor’s Goal: To press the remote control and have the garage door open. Participating Actors: Motor for moving garage door, Remote control radio transmitter, Remote control radio receiver Preconditions: *Remote control has power and is able to send signal *Nothing is blocking the radio signal and within range *Receiver has power and is able to signal motor to open door Postconditions: *Garage door open Flow of Events for Main Success Scenario:  1. Home owner presses remote control opener to signal receiver  2. Remote control signals radio receiver to signal motor to open door  3. Radio receiver signals motor to open door  4. Door opens. e. System Sequence Diagram for Previously Described Use

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