Assisted Suicide Persuasive Speech

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It has been in the air for a while whether PAS should be legalized or left illegal. When taking one side or the other people most often consider the costs, dangers, and feelings of other parts of PAS, this includes the patient. These factors play a big role, but is assisted suicide really humane? In deciding the way this country as a whole is going to go, is killing the terminally ill, or medically disabled patients, the way we should value human life? These are just some of the many flaws in PAS. Disabled and sick patients can feel as though they are being a burden, or they want to be rid of. If they are given the option of assisted suicide, they may feel pressured to choose this. Yes, the opposing side says that the patient should have …show more content…

Some patients have to choose the so-called End of Life Option Act for them. Ronald Glasser, listed, that the system wasn’t meant to care for sick people; it was meant to make and manage money. The doctors won’t listen to us if we are in the hospital death bed, they will only listen to them self. Ronald Glasser, also mentioned, the physicians and nurses are being prodded by threats and bribes to abdicate allegiance to patients, and to shun the sickest, who may be unprofitable. Most doctors when they see a patient on the death bed they don’t ask the patient if they went to go; they ask family, friends, and themselves not the person that is actually dying from there life. Ronald found out that according to some doctor’s, “sickness is the patients fault, and death is a preventable disease: Because we live in a society that equates youth and wellness with intelligence and superior moral character.” Doctors should listen more to the person on the death bed, then to themselves and other. Because it’s their life that they lived. Especially when u live one life of your own, then you have a chance to have that life and …show more content…

The New York State Department of Health argues “It will be far less costly to give a lethal injection than to care for a patient throughout the dying process.” However, the cost of medical care should not affect the value of a person’s life. The online article, “Physician Assisted Suicide: Legality and Morality”, writes “ What is absolutely incredible to me is that someone would honestly argue that we should consider the cost savings to America by killing, or assisting in the suicide, of human beings.” This means that they are astounded that people think we should actually look at cost rather than the person, and make the choice without considering the value of any sick person’s