Assistive Technology Essay

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The purpose of this research project is to increase the availability of assistive technology to the visually impaired. Braille is a common form of assistance for the visually impaired. However, as technology continues to develop new techniques are being used. This project will use 3-D printed models to aid for a tactile resource for the visually impaired. There will be a combination of 3-D structures and braille on those structures to form a book. This book will be geared toward the visually impaired, it will explain how we hear to a person with a visual impairment. The entire book will be 3-D printed with tactile resources for the individual with the impairment to be able to differentiate the textures within the ear.
The growing use of assistive technology and the availability of 3-D printing is being addressed in this research project. Those with visual impairments have typically had their assistiveassitive technology limited to braille, however with 3-D printing the doors are opening for what can be done with assistiveassitive technology to improve the quality of life of thosetthose with visual impairments. …show more content…

As a pre-speech language pathology student and potential Audiology graduate student assistive technology is important in my field. Creating the children’s book about how we hear takes my interest in audiology and gears it towards those with visual impairments. There are many goals for this project. The primary goal is to create a 3-D printed book for the visually impaired that describes how we hear. There are hopes to have the 3-D book patented and published. I also personally hope to be able to show and discuss my research at conferences that my professor has expressed the possibility of as well as at Student Scholars