Astrology Used By Mesopotamians

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Another method used for astrology used by Mesopotamians associated deities with various planets, moon, sun. They believed that Venus is a goddess of love and fertility, and each had their own personality and power of influence. This method was popular Chinese and Indians to predict the future of the people known as Vedic astrology. A similar method used was palmistry and other body signatures, which predicted to gain information about a person’s health and wellbeing, strengths and weakness. They could also describe a person’s personality and characteristics they inherited by looking at their shape of the skull, the lines on an individual’s hand and feet. Some of them are morphopsychology, palmistry, pedomancy, reflexology and phrenology. The main focused out of all these was palmistry. …show more content…

In the 19th and 20th century, Europeans tried to prove that that they belonged to “master race”. When anthropology was first starting off in the late 19th and early 20th centuries it was used to measure the intelligence of new cultures groups they came across. Birth charts, kundalini were the major key components of astrology. They believed that the birth year and the impact of the planets played a huge role in the reading of one’s life. The lines on the hands revealed a greater truth about people life. They also linked the shape of eyebrows of an individual could describe about ones personality. Palmistry was likely to start in India and slowly spreading among parts of the countries. When taken a close interpretation about western culture, people just gave it other names and still follow it. The act of measuring the brain could reveal about different parts of brain and described the traits an individual could possess. This was known as