
Astronomy: Discovery Of Uranus By William Herschel

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Astronomy: Discovery of Uranus by William Herschel in 1781
What was the motivation that led to the discovery?
Herschel was surveying all of the stars, looking particularly for double stars to use as a “tool to measure stellar parallax” (Schaffer) At first he thought it to be a comet.
What questions were asked?
Why is does this “comet” not have a tail or beard? Why is its position inconsistent with a comet or star?
What was the significance of the discovery?
His discovery, even though first thought to be a comet, it what led astronomers to discover that is was a new planet.
How did the discoverer(s) rely on the work of others?
With help from other experts regarding telescopes, consultation with William Watson about, what he first thought to
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