Athens Vs Sparta Research Paper

426 Words2 Pages

By :Caleb Northcroft

Sparta had 0ne of the strongest

militaries of its time because they were strong warriors and

took over many City-States.

Vocab Bank

● Oligarchy (ruled by few)
● Sparta (City-State in Greece)
● City-State (City that makes itself a

● Athens (Capital of Greece)
● Armour (gear to protect soldiers)
● Peloponnesian War (war between Athens

and Sparta)

SPARTA vs. Athens
Sparta was a
Oligarchy.They were very strong warriors and were obsessed with war.They were also a City-State.

Athens was a direct
Democracy and were also a
City-State.They …show more content…

Why is Sparta
Obsessed with war? They trained to become strong warriors to protect their City-State and create a

legacy of a army. Their warriors are known to be very brave.But no one really has a answer to why they were so into war. Did you know there is a College named after the Spartans?
This College is the University of Michigan State who crushed the Cougs in the
Holiday Bowl.This team’s mascot is Sparty the Spartan.Their athletic program is very successful.Their basketball teams football team and soccer teams are highly ranked nationally.Their school colors are Black Green and White.Other colleges are named the Spartans as well ,such as UNC Greensboro and San Jose State.

Spartan History
The City-State of Sparta is known to be obsessed with war. The male children were sent to military school at the age of 7 to train to be a spartan warrior. Sparta was known as a oligarchy unlike Athens who was a direct democracy.Some people say they were the strongest military force of its time.

Spartan Warriors

Sparta's strong warriors were at its peak after they won the Peloponnesian war and took over arch nemesis Athens.After the war they started a socialized program called an Agoge.Women

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