Athletes Are Not Overpaid Essay

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Why do you get so much money”the kid said”DO you not understand what we do”The athlete said.”All you do is play a game.”Athletes do deserve their money because of everything they do.Athletes are not overpaid because,they have a life time of bills,trian when they could be spending time with your family,and entertain us. One reason athletes are not overpaid is because,Athletes have a life time of bills.By having a life time of bills they have to pay a lot of bill to the government and other funds.The coach's don't pay for everything.The athletes have to use money on trainers and sometimes broken gear.They also sacrifice themselves and may get hurt.When you get injurys you have to pay money to the hospital if it's a big injury it more money.This …show more content…

Athletes entertain us.When anyone is sitting down watching football or basket you always here screaming go go or yes that means you are entertained.Everyone goes to games.When there are people at a game they don't go there for nothing they go there it enjoy themselves and be entertained not to do nothing.Going places to eat is also an example.When people go out to eat on nfl or nba night they go to have fun and get entertained so they aren't sitting at home.This is why athletes do their job they get to see the smiles on peoples faces when they