Physical Education Synthesis Essay

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The physical education curriculum of today’s society attempts to develop a balance between overtly aggressive programs and extreme coddling. While physical education and athleticism are a vital part of the curriculum at a public school, many communities are missing the mark when considering the method of instruction for such programs. Physical education programs should be reformed to include more reasonable levels of skill- based learning, inclusion, and healthy competition. It is important that physical education instructors focus on the essential elements of athletics through skill- based learning strategies. From these strategies, students can understand both physical and mental components that form a good athlete. As stated by writers …show more content…

Although it is frowned upon, in modern physical education courses, it is not uncommon to make inferences about athletic ability based on the participant’s family, age, race, gender, or body type. These inferences are often used as a basis for the person’s participation and play time in a sport. Who is to say that these inferences are correct? Margaret A. Whitney exemplifies this incorrect judgment in her account of her daughter’s initial disinterest in sports because as a female, she was told to”Be quiet, Be good, Be still (Source A).” In the end, Whitney’s daughter abandoned that concept and went on to become an excellent athlete against all odds (Source A). So many students that were judged to be unathletic have missed out on an excellent opportunity to become athletic. As stated by writer Mark Trapp, “If children are never allowed to fail, they will never succeed (Source D). As that point is addressed, yet another question can be posed on this subject: Even if a person is unathletic, why is it acceptable to exclude anyone that is attempting to maintain a good regimen of health and wellness? Discouragement of the unathletic people can result in sedentary lifestyles and can contribute to the widespread epidemic of obesity. Instructors must attempt to locate the delicate balance between over- inclusion and discrimination or