Atoms And The Depletion Of The Ozone Layer

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Atoms are the smallest form of matter. They consist of a nucleus and electrons. The nucleus is the center of mass and doesn't contribute to volume. It's made of protons and neutrons. Electrons create an electronic cloud which determines size and volume of an atom but it doesn't contribute to mass. Electrons occupy orbitals, can be found outside of the nucleus, determine the atomic number of an element, and their units are negatively charged. The ozone layer acts as a protective layer from Earth and the suns harmful rays. The ozone layer is described as our "global sunscreen" (Mike Carlowicz 1).

In , "The Ozone Layer: Our Global Sunscreen" by Mike Carlowicz, he describes a research project started NASA conducted which was simulation that represented the Earth's atmosphere being stripped from the ozone layer. This project continues to proceed to this day and shows how much of our ozone layer will be gone by a certain year. Instead of chemical products helping with day to day life like, CFC's which help with refrigeration, they're slowly depleting our protective layer. Holes in the atmosphere put us at a higher risk from the suns rays. Although, the ozone layers needs molecules in order for it to be substantial in absorbing UV sunlight. …show more content…

Each element has an atomic mass and number which makes it unique. The elements on the periodic table can me chemically or physically combined to create molecules and chemicals. Chemicals, can be harmful to our environment and can end up causing catastrophic disasters to nature such as, holes in the ozone layer. Electron trading cause chemical reactions which in result can create a harmful