
Atticus Finch In To Kill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee

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Atticus Finch Character Analysis
Atticus Finch is one of the only men not imposed upon by prejudice and racism in To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee. Atticus Finch is a man of high morals and steadfast honesty. For the most part, Atticus’ character stays the same throughout the story. Atticus is a loving father of two children, Jem and Scout, and is originally admired and respected by his peers until he courageously defends a black man named Tom Robinson who was wrongly convicted of raping Mayella Ewell.

As a lawyer, Atticus Finch represents everything that someone working in the justice system should. Atticus is fair-minded, moral, honest, and looks at every situation with an open and clear mind. Atticus does not subject himself to
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