Attribution Theory

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Introduction One of the thrust of the school is to promote quality learning through good academic performance. There are certain predictors that affect the academic performance of the students. Through identifying these attributes, it would have an impact to their academic performance which motivate and inspire them to pursue the course. Bachelor of Science in Nursing as a degree entails a lot of dedication and commitment knowing the nature of the course which is quite difficult and entails a lot of perseverance and commitment. Attributes are one of the many factors that influenced the achievement of the students. This study will greatly contribute to the nursing profession not only in terms of learning the different attributes on achievement …show more content…

The psychologist Bernard Weiner developed an attribution theory that mainly focuses on achievement (Weiner, 1974). It is used to explain how students interpret academic success and failure. According to Weiner, they felt the need to explain our success or failure especially if the outcome was less expected. The most important factors affecting attributions are ability, effort, task difficulty and luck. He classified attributions along three causal dimensions. First is locus of control, where there are two poles: an internal locus versus an external locus. This refers to one's belief that his or her behavior is guided by external factors, such as luck, fate, etc., or internal factors, such as ability and effort. The importance of an attribution that is internal is can be seen through the influence on self-esteem. Success attributed to an internal cause (the person) is a source of pride. However, failure attributed to an internal cause is a source of disappointment. Success attributed to ability and/or effort is a source of pride because both ability and effort are internal attributions. Next is stability, it refers to how likely it is the probability of causes will change over time. Stability is directly related to one's expectancy for success. Finally, the controllability dimension, it refers to the causes one can control, such as skills, versus causes one cannot control, such as luck and others' actions. Control influences one's affect or feeling and emotion toward the situation or behavior. The attributes must be found out in order to assess the relationship between the attributes and the academic performance of the Level IV Nursing students with their grades from NCM 100 to NCM 105. The thrust of the study is centered on attributes across achievement of the nursing students with emphasis on the locus of control, stability