The Attribution Theory In The Psychology Of Interpersonal Relations

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The attribution theory is a method that can be used to assess how people perceive the behaviour of himself and other people. The attribution theory refers to how people generate causal explanations. In the book "The Psychology of Interpersonal Relations” Heider stated that all behaviour is considered to be determined by internal or external factors. In external attribution the causality is assigned to a factor, an agent or an external force. External factors go out of control. In internal attribution the causality is assigned to a factor, an agent or an inner strength. The internal factors fall within their own control (FRIEDKIN, 2010, pp. 196-213). An attitude is a mental and neurological status with resilience, organized by the experience …show more content…

People who believe that the development of certain task depends on them have an internal locus of control, while convinced that the successful development of the task depends on external factors have an external locus of control. The two ends of locus of control are internal and external, according to the following definitions: Internal locus of control: perception of the subject which events occur mainly as a result of their own actions, i.e. the perception that he controls his life. Such a person appreciates the effort, skill and personal responsibility. External locus of control: perception of the subject that events occur as a result of chance, fate, luck or power and decisions of others. Thus, the external LC is the perception that events are unrelated to the performance itself, i.e. that events cannot be controlled by its own effort and dedication. Such a person is characterized by mainly attributed merits and responsibilities to others. Although the effort and ability are important, often there are factors beyond the control of the individual that determine success. For example, if your boss criticizes the way you rushed through a presentation, it is possible that the time you have allotted dropped at the last minute, making haste was necessary. If you have a strong internal locus of control, will you refuse to accept that this was a factor beyond your control, and instead, rebuke yourself for not being prepared with a shorter version of the presentation. When these situations occur repeatedly, diminish your self-esteem and can lead to depression (HANSON, 2013, pp.