August Pullman Book Report

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What in the world is mandibulofacial dysostosis? It is more commonly known as Treacher Collins syndrome and a cleft palate. It is also the rare facial defect that August Pullman, a ten year old from the book WONDER, written by R.J. Palacio, was born with. Despite the fact that August has many differences in appearance, personality, family, and friends compared to other people, there are also various ways that I can relate to him. In the book, August is in fifth grade and is ten. He was born with multiple conditions that caused his facial features to become defective and irregular. According to August’s sister, “His eyes are about an inch below where they should be on his face.... They slant down at an extreme angle, and the left one is noticeably lower than the right one..... He doesn’t have eyebrows or eyelashes. His nose is disproportionately big for his face..... He doesn’t have cheekbones..... His upper teeth are small and they splay out. He has a severe overbite and an extremely undersized jawbone...” Besides all of that, it was necessary for him to acquire hearing aids halfway through his fifth grade school year due to his small, misshapen ears. Despite the fact that he looks a lot different than most kids his age, August has many of the same hobbies and interests of his peers. One example is that …show more content…

We both have watched the Star Wars movies, and like them, though he is a bigger fan than I am. We both like the outdoors, and we both have a pet. We both have an older sister, and argue with our family members fairly often. We both have done home school and private school, and we both have friends of both genders. Another thing that we have in common is that we both have something different about us compared to other people. I live in a small Asian country, and he has looked different that most other kids his age from the day he was born. So, in some ways, August and I are