Australia Trade Research Assignment

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Trade Research Assignment

Caitlin Minchin | Economics | 11th June 2018
This research assignment will discuss the trade relationship that Australia has with other countries with the focus on China. It will consider Globilisation, Free trade agreements, and Australia’s exports and imports, and how these fit in the circular flow model. Globalisation
Globalisation involves all of the countries in the world being linked together, which can then result in the exchange of views, ideas, products and culture between people and nations. Globalisation has come a long way in the past 30 years, due to the improvement of technology and transport. The improvement in technology allows countries to transfer information between one another a lot more efficiently, and in a less complicated …show more content…

Many countries pay their workers less than Australia and therefore goods can be produced more cheaply. This makes it difficult for local producers to compete. Bibliography Joan, CA. (2017). Learn about imports, exports and transportation. Retrieved from -and-Exports-for-Kids.
Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. (2018). Australia’s trade statistics at a glance. Retrieved from ce/Pages/default.aspx
ABC News Australia. (2012). Australia’s relationship with china explained. [Video file]. Retrieved from
Australian Government. (2017). Free trade agreements. Retrieved from
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