Automobiles: An Important Era Of The Automobile In The 1920's

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1920’s Automobiles The 1920s was an important era of automobiles. Before the invention of cars, countless people traveled by foot or by horse. A German invented the first automobile, an idea which soon made its way to the United States. Before the 1900s, automobiles were built with three wheels and could hold a maximum of two people. There were no windows and if you’re lucky, you may have a shaded cover. Progressively cars gained different technology as time passed by. New technology has improved the production of automobiles and increased the numbers of customers. Before cars were invented, riding a horse or walking from point A to point B were the most common modes of transportation. Everything was spread out and it was time consuming to travel. When more time was spent on traveling from one place to another, less time was available to do other activities, such as working, playing and visiting. Ordinarily, horse and wagon travel was popular and was the best solution for travelling at the time. Numerous parts of the wagon were made from wood and rubber and the wagon was pulled by at least one horse. Nevertheless, owning a wagon could be a burdensome financial challenge and taking care of a wagon required a great deal of work. They had to make sure the wheels of the wagons were sturdy and in good shape. As people traveled farther, their wheels would soon wear out. The wheels were not made for long distances, were required to be replaced often and were expensive, which lead