Automobiles In America

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Nearly every family in America has some type of automobile. People are trying to take away the luxury cars that workers earn through hours and hours in the office. I think people should be allowed to ride in whatever viechle they want to. The car has been an American custom for quite some time and we shouldn’t take that out of our heritage. To begin the car is something that no other veichle can even come close to matching. It operates on your schedule and is probably the most convienent way to get around the town. In Americas Key to Freedom it states that “all drivers could jump in a car and travel at amazingly high speeds just by pushing down on a gas pedal”. The car also helped African Americans find a better job up north by allowing them to travel. Women also gained a lot when the car was made, it enabled them to travel away from home while the men worked. Over all the car made lives 100 times easier for families. …show more content…

A car is a lot more than a piece of machinery it is a piece of gold that has shaped America forever. Having a car is the best thing to have in todays society and that can not be taken away.
To conclude the automobile has done so much for us that we can not take it off the market of mobile devices. If we take away the car then we are taking away a piece of history not only for America but for the whole