Henry Ford Dbq

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Michael Messer
Mr. Johnson, Mr. Vatter, and Doc
Henry Ford Final Paper
18 February, 2015
Henry Ford: Final Paper
Henry James Ford was one of the most important innovators and businessmen in the history of America. He has had an amazing positive influence on the world we live in today. He was an innovator. That is, he developed and promoted ideas that have now become an accepted part of daily life. Henry Ford was an intelligent and creative businessman whose contributions to the manufacturing industry and American transportation have had a significant impact on the world today. Henry Ford lived an incredible and interesting life, applying leadership skills, perseverance, and vision to improve the lives of every American today. Henry Ford lived …show more content…

Both failed. “The Detroit Automobile Company failed, without producing any cars, and Henry Ford was ousted by angry investors.” !!!! The Detroit Automobile Company later, without Henry Ford in its employ, became known as Cadillac Motor Car Company. Henry Ford was not a quitter. “The only real mistake is one from which we learn nothing,” said Ford. **** Henry Ford did not make mistakes. He had experiences, and he did not quit dreaming, despite his struggles. He learned from his failures and tried to apply what he learned to his next business …show more content…

Henry Ford knew he was an honest man, with morals and values, and chose to defend himself in court. The lawsuit gained a lot of attention from the media, and, as Henry Ford said, “Probably nothing so well advertised the Ford car and The Ford Motor Company as did this suit.” !!!! Despite Ford’s initial lack of success in business, Henry Ford proved to be an effective business leader. “The Ford Motor Company was one of only forty-four auto companies that survived the stock market crash of 1929.” !!!! In Henry Ford’s lifetime, more than 15,000,000 Model T Fords were manufactured and sold.
At the age of 55, Henry Ford retired from his role as President of Ford Motor Company, and his son, Edsel, assumed leadership. However, Henry was still very much involved with the company, and within a year, he and Edsel owned 100% of the shares. Henry Ford outlived his son, who died at the age of 49 years old from stomach cancer. Henry Ford suffered a stroke in 1945 and, on April 7, 1947, at the age of 83, Henry Ford died at his home in Dearborn, Michigan. “The world remains, in large part the one set into motion by Henry Ford: a world in which cars are for everyone.”