Autumn Descriptive Writing

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I'm not sure how long I had been there. Perhaps days, perhaps years; I had no idea. There was no sense of time, let alone any way to measure it. The light melting through my curtains was constant, warm and fragile, as though that side of the world was always on the brink of the evening. Never did night fall, nor midday nor morning. It never rained, nor snowed, nor grew too hot or too cold - leading me to believe that not much time had passed since I had first gotten there. The entire space around remained in a constant, untouched, neutral state. It did not bother me directly; and yet, somehow, I knew that it was wrong. That something was off. Nevertheless, if I had any questions, I had no one to ask. So, inevitably, I found myself walking …show more content…

It looked exactly like the one riding through the garden, only a dazzling white color; meaning that it was a horse -- a thing made of flesh and fur, bones and spirit, compared to the ones that pranced across those lifeless pages. However magnificent it was, it didn't grab my attention quite like its rider did. All I could see was a flash of royal blue armor as the horse carried him faster than my eyes could handle. I abandoned my window and ran down the hall to look out another one, hoping for a better view, only to see a glimpse of them riding up to the castle below. I leaned out a little more than I would usually lean, struggling to see, but eventually gave up and ran down the hallway. I sprinted down all of the corridors that led to the foyer and slid to a stop as she gazed off of the balcony at the large stone doors that were in the process of opening. I his myself behind the wall and peeked around the corner as they opened all the way and the man, now off of his horse and standing tall, stood in the doorway. He peered around before raising his arms and taking a grasp on his helmet. As he lifted the helmet, medium-length jet black locks slid out, falling and barely brushing against his shoulders in a perfect mess. He tucked it under his arm and ran a gloved hand through his hair, bringing it out of his