Aviation Extension Of 2010 Essay

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This writing is to highlight the Airline Safety and Aviation Administration Extension of 2010. For the main body, the actual act will be discussed including the purpose of the Act and some requirements that involve the Federal Aviation Administration and the Department of Transportation. Then, the Airline Transport Pilot certification will be discussed and the updates to the requirements of the ATP certification into 2013. Followed by the conclusion to wrap up the paper.
Keywords: Improvement, safety, Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), Airline Transport Pilot (ATP), minimum, qualifications
Airline Safety and Aviation Administration Extension of 2010
About the Act
The Airline Safety and Aviation Administration Extension Act of 2010 was approved on August 1, 2010 and took effect on August 2, 2010. The purpose of the extension was “To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to extend the funding and expenditure authority of the Airport and Airway Trust Fund, to amend title 49, United States Code, to extend airport improvement program project grant authority and to improve airline …show more content…

This extension act enabled the change of pilot/co-pilot requirements and effectively implemented the requirement of the Airline Transport Pilot (ATP) certification for pilots/co-pilots/first officers. This certification forced the co-pilot/first officers to attain a minimum of 1500 hours of total pilot time and the minimum age of 23. The ATP required pilot time was six times the amount of time required by the commercial pilot certificate that only required 250 hours of flight time. These changes gave the airlines more qualified and experienced