B1 Unit 1 Assignment

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B1: Whilst working as piping technical authority in current role (Year 2013), for Shell Canada Piping class development, I had established flange joint integrity calculation procedure for the usage of full rating for intermediate strength bolts in piping classes. I have utilized this opportunity within my own responsibility to ensure the mechanical integrity. I had carried out desk top study based upon ASME SEC VIII, Appendix-2 & ASME PCC-1 for verifying the integrity of flanged joints. This study has concluded that, usage of intermediate strength bolts need not to restrict the full rating of flange joints. This study has been further analyzed with practical methods with the bolt torque vendor facility. B2: In year 2014, Shell production …show more content…

I went to the site to evaluate the problem. This incident occurred due to the abnormal expansion of piping system. I was part of the team who assessed the failure of the piping system and gave solution to the site. I observed that piping system was dislocated from the original position due to abnormal expansion. I performed the root cause analysis of the problem and presented the fact behind the problem with necessary stress calculations and convincing reasons. It has been concluded that transient design conditions were not considered during design stage. Necessary corrective actions have been implemented at site which includes relocation of line stop, addition of new expansion loop and new pipe supports. With the quick resolution of problem, the benefits were realized in terms of quick improvement in production (With less than 2 days down time). In order to ascertain effectiveness of this solution, additional non-destructive examination (NDE) has been performed after 6 months of period of implementation of solution to check any specific issues. It has been concluded there is no specific issue observed during this

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