Nt1310 Unit 1 Assignment

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November 2003. I was five months old and was on my way to Australia. I lived there for five years with my parents and my grandparents. My parents later got divorced and my Mom and I moved back to the United States when I was six. My Dad has stayed in Australia and lived there for a couple more years. He later moved to New Zealand with my Uncle and my grandparents had stayed in Australia. Growing up, I never really had my father in my life. I lived with my mom for most of the years because my Dad lived across the country. When I was ten, my Mom and Dad decided that it was time for me to see my father after not seeing him for four years. December of 2014, I left the United States to go live with my Dad in New Zealand. I lived over there for a …show more content…

I've always been driven to do the best I can in every subject. When I was younger, I never really cared about homework or paying attention because I always thought that whatever the teacher was talking about wasn't going to be relevant to when i got older. Once I started middle school, that whole mindset changed. My mom was on my case about every single subject. Sixth grade was a struggle for me. I didn't try because I didn't care. Towards the ending year of sixth grade, I got my AVID recommendation letter. I signed up, applied, and got accepted. I came into seventh grade expecting to do the same in sixth grade, maybe even worse because the work would be harder. I can say that after one year of AVID, I improved so much. I ended with a 3.8 G.P.A. I never thought that I would be able to accomplish something like that. I thank the AVID program so much for teaching me new skills that I will need while I enter High School in a couple of months. I am in the AVID program in my eighth grade year. I will not be participating in AVID for my freshman year. I will be attending college as well. I would not have the idea of college if it wasn't for AVID. My motivation for college is knowing that I will be the first to attend college out of my immediate

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