Personal Statement

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I would consider myself a good and hard working student. I try my best to get either a G or an E on my report card. After filling in the chart i've noticed how much talking in class can affect my mark. Looking at my mark as a whole my goal is to get a G or an E in independent work. In responsibility , id mark myself as a E. I gave myself a E because I think I show all requirements needed. I fulfil my responsibilities, commit within the learning environment; I submit classwork, homework, and assignments on time, and I take responsibility for and manages behaviour. I wish to continue my strong value in responsibilite in the years. I unfortunately gave myself an S in independent work. I wish I did better but this is the mark that I gave myself. I personally can be independent in class, but I do talk occasionally. I follow instructions with occasional supervision. I use my class time wisely, and complete the given tasks. My goal …show more content…

I gave myself this mark because I think I look for new acts, ideas, and opportunities when learning. I am willing to take risks, try new things, and demonstrate my thoughts in my work. My goal is to raise my G to an E by taking my work to another level; so being more positive in my work and look for more acts and ideas to represent my work. The only other E I gave myself is in organization. In organization I follow a plan when completing my work, I complete and hand in work on time. I identify, gather, evaluate, and use information, tech, and resources to complete tasks. I gave myself an E because i've done these things repeatedly without even realizing it. My goal is to continue this habit in the future. In collaboration I again gave myself a G. This is because I consider ideas in group work, I respond positively to each idea. I build minne and my classmates relationship through group work. I gave myself a G because I know I can do better, My goal is to not get off task in any group