Slytherin Research Paper

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Perhaps in Slytherin, you’ll fancy your real friends. Those cunning folks use any means, to manage their ends. I have always had that s-s-sly vision of being in the Slytherin House at Hogwarts.

My power of being a strong leader, reveals me that Slytherin will be my house. I can be a strong leader at times. Then again there are also times where I would rather just pursue with the crowd. On the soccer field, I won’t take laziness for an answer. If you are not working, your new home will be the bench or the side line. I know it sounds harsh, but I take soccer games very seriously. In school projects or speeches, I sense I don’t have the authority or right to claim my own thoughts. I will probably just follow the group, or do my own thing then later tell them what to do. When it comes to tests, I like to be ambitious and try my very hardest to succeed. I try to do this on homework as well. Some teachers might not notice this in me, but I try not make it visible. When I do not study, I feel like I’ve hurt me and my grade. I despise this feeling. When I study, I feel confidence ejecting out of my hands into my writing. …show more content…

I don’t like the word; devious. Yet almost everyone in my family calls me devious. I really….kinda…. l don’t like being labeled this, but they just won’t stop. I’ve only maybe pranked my family once or twice a year. Maybe a little more than twice, but still. The only BIG prank I have done, is when I accomplished the hand in the water trick to my brother. He didn’t really enjoy the feeling. Then there are the other pranks, that are normal. My favorite prank is the one where I set a mento in the top of a soda bottle, then shut it. When they open the soda, the mento falls in and then it bursts in their face. It’s a good laugh until you’re getting chased around the room with a knife….just kidding it was a