Baby Boomers In The 1950-1960's

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Modern Australian families are breaking away from sole provider roles and looking to find businesses and opportunities that will give them total work life balance and financial security for a growing family. And it is no surprise that franchising is at the top of the list.

Research shows that more and more families are rejecting the “single income ” role and “weekend parent” personas. Choosing business ventures such as small business, consulting roles and entrepreneurship to break away from rigid employment models. Opting instead to spend time with their families as they choose to, not as dictated by an employer. One of the fundamental highlights of being your own boss.

Australia’s majority population are the baby boomers, who have learned …show more content…

They were simply too tired to spend time with their energetic young children, or lacked the ability to connect. This created the stereotype of the A-typical Australian working father role in the family home. A role iconic in the 1950-60’s, which is now considered archaic.

Baby boomers grew up believing that their sole responsibility to their child, aside from loving them unconditionally. Was to work to afford their family the lifestyle and living that they deserved, and at their own sacrifice. This was seen as a necessity rather than an option. Which according to Psychologists and researchers, has left some families feeling that there is simply no other way. Creating the stigma that modern informed families are fighting free of today.

You don’t need me to tell you that there has been a quantum leap in attitudes in the modern family. Attitudinal changes have been brought on by a number of changes. Firstly life is expensive, rises in the cost of everyday living has meant that there is a requirement for both parents to work and work longer. Raising a kid these days means buying Nike shoes, ballet and swimming lessons, BYOD school requirements, school fees, PSP’s and Iphones. This can typically translate to 1x Iphone for the kid = 1x 40 hr week at work or even …show more content…

It is important to note that many Australians regard their aged parents parenting styles as out dated, and not everyone has a good relationship with their parents or in-laws. It is estimated that 3 out of 5 grandparents strongly disagree with their child's parenting styles in relation to; eating rituals, discipline standards, spoiling behaviour and access to technology. Further more that 4 out of 5 grand parents believe that modern parenting; creates a negative role on praise and reward cultures, results in fear of their grandchild's wellbeing and erodes fundamental values in society.

With some grandparents believing that they are more experienced at successfully raising children, the temptation to override their child's parenting wishes can be overwhelming. Some modern parents are even opting for paid child care services despite the option of free grandparent child care. In response to fears that their children may be spoiled by their grand parents, or have their parenting methods disregarded. Which could lead to their child(s) not being given the best opportunities to mature and