The Four Types Of Generations In The Workplace

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There are four types of generations of workplace. The four distinct generations are working side-by-side in the workplace along with their most significant values. The four types of generations are a follows.
Baby Boomers invented the 60 weeks work schedule. They are optimistic about their own lives, they believe that if you set goals and work hard, you can achieve what you set out to do. Boomers have less respect for rank and hierarchy than their predecessors but still respect the hierarchy of leadership, especially when they can be a part of it. They set long-term goals and have the “no pain-no gain” attitude to set through them. Boomers entered the workplace under the traditional set of rules and working under Veteran generation bosses until they …show more content…

They are the first generation to actively declare a higher priority for work over personal life. They generally distrust authority and large systems, their values were shaped primarily by a rise in civil rights activism, Viet Nam and inflation. They are more open and optimistic to changes than the prior generation, but they are also responsible for the “Me Generation,” with its pursuit of personal gratification, which have often showed up as a sense of entitlement in today’s work force. Many Boomers have derived their sense of personal identity from their work and sacrificed life balances to achieve success and only to be blindsided by “disloyal” employers. Boomers today find themselves in a changed work-world that now seems to reward speed and youth instead.
Generation X are often considered the “slacker” generation. They naturally question authority figures and are responsible for creating the work/life balance concept.