The New Generation And The Baby Boomers

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A generation can refer to stages of successive improvement in the development of a technology such internal combustion engine or successive iterations of product with planned obsolescence, such as video game console or mobile phones. Karen Schmidt (2007) defines “Generation” is that sometimes misleading in its use. It just because announced and believed that a new generation are emerging not means that the supposed beginning and ending dates of that generation are cut off points. Some of the generation actually will fade into the group of generation just as the Baby Boomer generation faded into the assortment generation (Bassett and Barbara ,2008). Yu and Miller (2005) find that, there are five generations that coexist in current millennium before the WW I. These generations are the Seniors, also called Traditionalists or Matures, (born in 1926 or earlier), the Builders, (1927-1945), the Baby Boomers …show more content…

They bring with these additional values into the workplace with high accomplishments and even higher expectations (Davies, 2007). This attitude frustrates and irritates. Army organization cannot afford to waste time and money by not investing in the potential that generation Y has to offer (Army Research studies, 2003). In addition, the Baby Boomers are leaving the workplace in increasing numbers. As Boomers leave a workplace that was designed around them, organizations are finding that this current workplace is at odds with the work expectations of generation Y who are in line to replace those retiring. This clash of culture in the workplace is creating uncertainty and havoc at organization, that now find themselves faced with the need to adapt their culture to the work styles of generation Y. They are the generation whose working following the scripts and will approach the leader to inform daily output and they also expect do the timeframe to compete the assignment (Vargas,