The Importance Of Generational Differences In Work Values

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Introduction The current labour market is one with multiple generations participating, including those Veterans who have yet to retire, baby boomers, the sophomore generation X and the freshman millennials. This paper seeks to review the literature on generational differences in work values. According to Kortum (2014), a healthy organisation is one wherein the organisation and all its members work together to continuously encourage and safeguard the wellbeing and safety of its members. Analysis of the literature elucidates the impact of generational differences in work values on the health of the organisation and methods by which organisations can mitigate the impact of these generational differences in values in order to maintain organisational health in a work environment with multiple generations. Firstly, the importance of a healthy …show more content…

Day, Kelloway and Hurrell, (2014) as well as Farrell and Geist-Martin (2005) add to the organisational wellness argument even as they support the work of Salanova et al. (2012) and Kortum (2015) Generational differences in work values have a mostly negative impact on the health of an organisation as it significantly increases the toxicity levels within the organisation. Toxicity depletes vitality from the organisation and its members (Frost, 2004) Before discussing further, it is necessary to explain the theory. Affective events theory asserts that the characteristics of the job and its emotional labour requirements have an impact on work attitudes and behaviour and result in work events; Work events subsequently result in positive and negative affect (Van Dijk & Brown, 2006). Experiences influence perception (Robbins & Judge, 2012), thus the differing experiences of the different generations makes for differing perceptions and values.