Babysitting Research Paper

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Today is August 8th, and I have just entered the war zone. Everywhere around me I hear blood curdling screams, soldiers marching off into battle, and the cries of civilians who do not want to be taken by the enemy. The war zone is a dangerous place to be, and I only pray that I can make it through the night. This danger zone that I am referring to is more commonly known as babysitting. How can one survive this treacherous night and make it home alive? To survive a night of babysitting, the sitter needs to have playtime, attempt to make it through dinner, and put the kids to bed. By following these responsibilities the babysitter has a better chance of living through the war zone. Playing games with children can either be really fun or it …show more content…

If the sitter can survive the gruesome and horrible war that occurs at the table, then I believe that they can survive anything. The first thing to remember about dinner time is to set a million extra napkins around the table. Children are messy. They like to play with their food before and while they eat it. Darby, a little girl who I watch, likes to show me how thoroughly she can chew her food. I get to see the magnificent colors and the pure sliminess of what is now mush in her mouth- oh joy! As the sitter, one should never let the children talk with their mouths full. It is a disgusting habit to get into, and it is really gross. Once Darby has chewed her food, she likes to talk to me about everything. Not only is her mouth completely full but she is now covered in from head to toe in food. Another rule of thumb is to never let the children have competitions during dinner. The children that I babysit like to race and see who can eat their food the fastest. Let’s just say that I’ve had to clean up a lot of regurgitated dinners, and it’s not pretty. Finally, the sitter needs to make sure that they are providing the children with nutritional meals. It will help to prepare their minds and bodies for development. Dinner is the most difficult part of the

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