Foster Care Essay

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Child abuse isn't a new problem in the foster care system. Over one hundred children in Texas alone died in 2022 (Oxner) while being taken care of by a foster parent. The foster care system requires more funding to help ensure foster children escape poverty, prevent mental illness, and become financially stable. Because of this, the foster care system should look more deeply into rehoming children and help affirm the safety children need to grow into functional adults. Although the foster care system protects children in danger from biological families, neglect, and unhealthy environments, the foster care system requires more funding to help ensure foster children escape poverty, prevent mental illness, and become financially stable. Children …show more content…

While reflecting, California saw the discrimination and abuse which children were suffering from. Specifically, in cases where children are LGBTQ+. With the help of different charities around the area, children with different sexualities can feel safer inside the foster care system. The previously mentioned groups can do this by giving LGBTQ+ children safe spaces, resources, and different outlets to express themselves. In this way, the city of Los Angeles can promote a more accepting environment for those children who might feel different or out of …show more content…

With this research and evaluation, children can feel safer when walking into a new home. Unfortunately, thousands of children in the foster care system are mentally, physically, and sexually abused. With this, children are mentally scarred, and the child's brain is physically altered by those experiences. Experiences so traumatic that children who suffered through constant abuse as a child, often have episodes of PTSD or, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. For instance, "They complained of empty pantries and padlocked refrigerators, of children who lived in rodent-ridden homes and ate cereal crawling with ants. One caller described a girl’s face and body covered in sores, dripping fluid down her arms that stuck to her clothes." (Hirt). While this quote is frightening, sadly that does not mean that it is any less real. Unfortunately, this grueling description is sadly isn't the only occurrence of abuse occurring within the foster care system. With this information, the previously stated is clear that abuse is an incredibly real problem which affects the children of our future to this day. Without the proper action, our future generations could still be

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