Bacteria Fungi Advantages And Disadvantages

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Bacteria and fungi play a huge role in every aspect of agriculture in today’s world. They both have their advantages and disadvantages as I will explain in the next few paragraphs.
Bacteria belong to the kingdom Monera. They usually range in size from 0.1 to 15 micrometres. They are probably the most diverse of all the micro-organisms in their mode of nutrition. Some bacteria are autotrophic and can photosynthesise, but the majority of them are heterotrophic. The ones that are most important in agriculture fall into three categories; decomposers, symbiotic bacteria and pathogenic bacteria. There are three basic shapes of bacteria: cocci or spherical shaped bacteria, rod-shaped bacteria and spiral shaped bacteria. (Cronin & Tiernan 2011, Page 54-55) …show more content…

One example is the mycorrizal effect. Fungi living on decaying organic matter, release nutrients and as a result, are very important in nutrient-cycling. (Phelan, Buckley, Smith 2012, Page 311)
Mycorrhiza is a symbiotic association between fungi and plant roots and is unlike either fungi or roots alone. Most trees and agricultural crops depend on or benefit substantially from mycorrhizae. The level of dependency on mycorrhizae varies greatly among varieties of some crops, including wheat and corn. (
Land management practices affect the formation of mycorrhizae. The number of mycorrhizal fungi in soil will decline in fallowed fields or in those planted to crops that do not form mycorrhizae. Frequent tillage may reduce mycorrhizal associations, and broad spectrum fungicides are toxic to mycorrhizal fungi. Very high levels of nitrogen or phosphorus fertilizer may reduce inoculation of roots. Some inoculums of mycorrhizal fungi are commercially available and can be added to the soil at planting time. (

Disadvantage: Potato

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