
Bad Behavior In Romeo And Juliet

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In “The Tragedy Of Romeo And Juliet,” William Shakespeare Writes About All The Triggers That Pushed Romeo And Juliet To Do Bad Things And Show Bad Behavior In The Story, But Since These Decisions Were Made By Those Two They Cause This Story To End The Way It Did. In Recent Research, It Was Said That The Way Teens Act Is Actually Normal And Typical For Most Teens, So Parents Need To Be More Of A Role Model To Their Teenage Child And Teach Them Proper Risk-Taking. Most Teen Behavior Is Based On What They Want And Not What They Need To Be Doing Or What Trouble They Get In Afterwards, So Teens Need Guidance From The Parents Of The Family To Choose The Right Path And To Be More Responsible. For Example, In The “Beautiful Brains” Article, The Teenage Boy Was Speeding On The Road And Was Taken To A Police Office Area, In That Story, He Knew What He Did Wrong, But Didn’t Actually Overreact About The Consequences At All. This Shows He Knew He Was Going To Get In Trouble, But He Didn’t Really Care About What Consequences And Punishments He Was Going To Get Later On. This Also Shows That Teenagers Are Irresponsible And Need Guiding From …show more content…

They Face Many Consequences In The Story From Having To Hide Their Marriage From Their Feuding Families, For Example, Juliet Later Has to Marry Paris, Tybalt Is Slained By Romeo And Romeo Gets Banished, And Romeo And Juliet Become Dead. This All Could Have Been Avoided If They Both Told Their Parents About The Marriage In The First Place. The End Results Would Have Been Debated By The Parents By Them Either Accepting It And Allowing It Or Denying It And Banning The Marriage, Or Romeo And Juliet Could’ve Ran Away Instead Since Those Two Are Already Married And It Couldn’t Have Been Stopped. This Goes Back To Regular Teen Behavior, Teens Understand The Risk More Than The Average Adult Would, But They Overreact Way Less Than An Adult

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