Bad Teacher Stereotypes

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Final Critical Media Analysis- Bad Teacher
With today’s technology, we are constantly bombarded with very high, larger than life expectations of how one should be in each role given. Being brought up with these ideals and constantly reminded, it’s almost impossible for one to get away from them. These assumptions of how teachers, students and the classroom should be can be detrimental. When one is consistently exposed to these ideals it becomes so deeply engrained into one’s mind that it begins to be generally accepted by the audience whether or not these stereotypes are true. The movie Bad Teacher is a prime example of an inaccurate misrepresentation of teachers, students and the overall classroom setting. The movie is about a superficial, …show more content…

As the numbers of “good teachers starts to decrease, the more competitive it gets between the schools who want them and therefore the quality of education decreases especially for minority students. The more we continue to reinforce the stereotypes, the harder it is to break them down and harder to live up or down from these “super teacher/bad teacher”. If teachers see themselves as not being able to compete with this ideal, this causes stress, therefore may result them quitting.” [A] theory posits that when people are frequently exposed to a constant set of messages about a group, they tend to incorporate the information gleaned from those messages into their worldview..”(Scull & Peltier 2007). If true, then the more this idea is repeated, the more that person from the group tends to believe it and eventually acts upon it. Compared to other countries, people who are teach in the United States often don’t consider themselves important in that profession and aren’t treated as such (Gardner). Thus fight for having quality education across all students disregarding their socioeconomic status