Bad To The Bone: Are Humans Naturally Aggressive?

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Are we truly bad to the bone? As humans, we of course have feelings, one of those feelings being aggression or being violent towards one another here and there. But are we naturally violent? Is it genetically inherited from our parents or is it something we grown as we get older? Aggression can’t be our nature, but can be our potential. B.F Skinner the behavioral psychologist said that “no theory changes, what it is a theory about. Man remains what he has always been”. What Skinner means that we as humans we develop these feelings of aggression or acting violent through things we experience throughout our lifetime. To a full extent humans are naturally violent, due to the idea of that we have aggression and violence embedded in us an …show more content…

called “Bad to the Bone: Are Humans Naturally Aggressive?” Spoke about the recent meetings being held in Portland, Oregon by the American Association of Physical Anthropologists. That meeting was held to talk about the recent study with chimpanzees and how they deal with aggression. The presenter of this meeting Michael Wilson, who teaches at the University of Minnesota talked about the data was gathered after this study. The results indicate that male chimps are more violent than female chimps. But the exact reason why they 're violent is because they are not fully understood. They are known as the animals that are resemble the most like …show more content…

Which isn’t true because, for example video games shape us into being an aggressive or violent person. Aggression is something that we are born with not something that forms from our society/ culture. Aggression isn’t a personality trait, it’s based off behavior, not on what society is feeding us to make us “aggressive”. We as human are just embedded with aggression in us, even our ancestors were aggressive and they weren’t influenced by what society was feeding them, it 's just something that is evolutionary. I agree more with Fuentes rather than the article written by because they had more credible sources rather than’s because it makes more sense that we are being naturally aggressive without anything influencing us. Overall, I feel as if we aren’t influenced by the media and society to make us aggressive, it 's just something that is embedded us as humans. We’re all human we all have