As our lives are becoming complex, the phenomena of aggression is increasing. For people living in Asia, central Africa and America, aggression and violence are experienced on daily basis in an intense personal way. Those who are not affected by direct violence are victim of indirect violence such as media violence.
Aggression: “Behavior directed towards another individual carried out with the proximate (immediate) intent to cause harm”(Anderson & Huesmann, 2003). Also the perpetrator believes that the behavior will harm the target, and target is motivated to avoid the behavior (Bushman & Anderson 2001).
(Buss, 1995) Aggression is response that delivers noxious stimuli to another organism.
Another form of
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As a result negative affect produced by unpleasant experience automatically stimulates various thoughts, memories, expressive motor reactions and physiological responses associated with both fight and flight tendencies. The fight association give rise to feelings of anger and flight give rise to feeling of fear. This theory also says that aggressive thoughts, emotions, behavioral tendencies are linked together in memory (Collins & Loftus 1975). When concept (hurt, harm, kill) is primed or activated, this activation spreads to related concepts (pain, anger, retaliate) and increase their activation as well. Cognitive neoassocciation also includes higher order cognitive processes such as appraisals and …show more content…
(Starus & Savage, 2010) research was done on 33 university students across 17 countries ( including Europe, North America, Asia, Australia and News eland). The results showed that those students who are neglected by parents are more violent towards their dating partner. Students who received neglectful behavior as a child ranged from 3.2 to 36 percent were at median of 12 percent. Similarly those students who were violent to their partner ranged 14 to 45 percent.
Research which supports my topic showing correlation between aggression and emotional intelligence. A research was conducted by (M, MSN, Mayers, Catallozzi, Donald and MPH, 2008) shows statistics of violence amongst undergraduate students, who are victimized. Due to this they go through emotional distress. Their emotional intelligence is affected. This study included 910 undergraduate students and results showed that emotional and physical violence is common in age 17 to 22 years. Women are more victimized in sexual violence but men are victimized as