Baldwin's Use Of Ethos Pathos Logos

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On February 18th of 1965 there was a big debate between James Baldwin and William Buckley. This big debate took place in the cambridge union in England. This debate was about all of the problems that were being faced with African Americans and the violent things that were happening in Birmingham and other parts of the country. There were a lot of assassinations around this time period including president JFK Malcom X and more. The main discussion was about the segregation between African blacks and white people. James Baldwin uses Ethos,pathos and logos to persuade his audience to win his debate. James Baldwin uses Ethos when he talks about the American dream. He uses the American dream to inspire people and feel that the White American and African Americans are equal. The dream is not more at expense to the African americans. He has noticed that the americans seem to care more about the dream and could care less about the negro. When he says this he also says it can cause an effect on people's realities and change the world of mindset that they are in.Because then it spreads and they truly believe that. …show more content…

He talks about how bad someone's life could be but as long as they are not black it could not get worse. That the majority of white Americans Truly believe this wholeheartedly. The average white southerner comes home loves his wife and that he loves to get drunk. Something bad must have happened for him to be able to not know what drives him to the club every night, to mess around with a