Albert Bandura's Theory Of Education

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Nature has many creations but human life is the most valuable one. The new born infant is helpless human being and he grows in the protective and caring environment of his family in the society. Initially the child is unaware of the social customs and traditions but as he grows older, he gets influenced by the various agencies of the society consciously or unconsciously. In this way he develops his physical, mental, emotional and social self gradually. In this gradual developmental process of the child, education brings desirable changes in him like a flower. Education is a social process and the children construct knowledge and learn optimum in their social environment as Albert Bandura (1973) added in his social learning theory. In this process, …show more content…

And off course their behavior is determined by various environmental factors such as the physical, biological, social, economic and cultural settings where individuals maintain their relationships and carry out their mutual interactions throughout their lives. The individual himself/herself is an internal part of the environment where they interact with various aspects of life and construct their psycho-social traits as a unit. According to Herman (1998), any person is born with genetically inherited characteristics which make up 30% of his/her personality and the remaining 70% of the personality is shaped by environmental conditions such as the things provided by parents, information gained from formal and informal education, things learned from peer circles, and the culture where he/she is brought up. Modern complex societies in particular are internally differentiated or stratified and one of the principal bases of stratification is class. Karl Marx (1852), a German social thinker, propounded a theory of class that is accepted by many educators and social scientists and these scholars are usually grouped together and labeled as Marxists. They have there often some disagreement among them as to Marx's definition of class because they think that there is an ambiguity in Marx's ideology towards social class. “According to them there are two modes of class exist in the society in a Marxian position. The first view is related to the objective classification of an aggregate of people with reference to their similar relation to the means of production. The second view of Marxian class is related to struggle in the society, which gives rise to a subjective but essential element in the concept of class. Max Weber (1912) elaborated the concept of class and status of the individual in the social set up. He presented his